Crisis happens to all of us. It is draining and exhausting. Crisis will often test what we are made of, will test the limits of what we can handle, and will force us to respond. Crisis doesn't always mean something bad has happened, but it often means you are placed in a situation of tremendous pressure. When I think of crisis, my experience is limited to my life and what has happened thus far. I have read about horrific events in the news and seen devastation in the lives of friends around me, but those crisis have not been mine. Recently, I experienced a crisis. My daughters were playing in the backyard when I heard my youngest scream in pain. I knew that she wasn't crying because she wanted something, she was hurt. I ran outside and what I saw was my youngest daughter's finger caught between the chain and gear of her bike and had partially severed it. I was faced with a crisis. How do I get the bleeding to stop? I need to get my daughters in the car and to the hospital. I need to remain calm. I got to find a parking space at the hospital. I need clothes for my daughter. I got to stop the bleeding. Will her finger be able to be fixed? I have to keep everyone calm. These were all thoughts that ran through my head. Thankfully, the doctors stitched up her finger and it will heal 100%. That being said, I had a choice in that moment of crisis to run, to shut down, become angry with my oldest daughter, etc; Yet I knew Jesus cared and that was able to give me strength to face the crisis and respond accordingly. Jesus is God who is no stranger to crisis. I have often thought about what did Jesus feel in the garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified? I can only assume tremendous anxiety and yet His strength did not just come from within himself, but from God the Father. We have a wonderful God, who seeks to know us, help us and weather the storms of life, crisis, big or small. Your crisis is relevant to you, but ask the question, When crisis hits, who do you trust? Comments are closed.
June 2021
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